Sharbur Fm
Type Locality and Naming
It was named by the Party of Regional Geological Survey, the Xinjiang Bureau of Geology in 1960 and published by Hou Hongfei et al in 1979. The type section is located at Mangkelu, east of Sharburtishan Mt., southeast of Utubulak, Hoboksar Mongol Autonomous County, the Xinjiang Uygur Zizhiqu. The reference section is at Bayimuza, northeast of Emin County and at Ulastai, north of Tacheng county, Xinjiang.
Synonym: (沙尔布尔组) ; Shaerbuer Fm, Sarbur Fm,
Lithology and Thickness
The formation, 506 m in thickness, consists of gray, dark brown, gray green, dark violet andesitic lithic-crystal tuff, andesitic porphyrite, andesitic lava breccia, amygdaloidal andesitic porphyrite intercalated with minor limestone lenses.
Relationships and Distribution
Lower contact
No base boundary observed. Next older regional unit is the Bulong Fm of early Ordovician.
Upper contact
It is conformably overlain by the Sharburtishan Fm
Regional extent
The tuffaceous components of the formation decrease from east to west and nearly absent at north of Tacheng, while limestone increases, and the thickness decreases down to 470 m. The formation is exposed in the area east of Hoboksar County and north of Emin and Tacheng counties.
It yields rich corals Squameofavosites immensus, Favosites gothlandicus, F. squamatus, Subalveolites porosus, Palaeofavosites fobesiformis septata; brachiopod Eospirifer tuvaensis, etc.
Depositional setting
Additional Information